Tuesday, January 26

[EP] EJ (@EJFROMLIBERTY) - Nice 2 Meet U

18-year-old EJ Allen from Upstate New York is a musical prodigy in the making. A self-taught song writer, producer and beat maker—his music sounds nothing like the newcomer he truly is. LIBERTY, NEW YORK—EJ Allen, 18, has a lot to be proud of heading into the New Year. He recently released his first major project titled “Nice 2 Meet U” which is reminiscent of Kanye West infused with the sounds and beats of Drake. “It was a learning experience. I don’t have a studio. I have my bedroom instead. I had to teach myself everything. I learned a lot in that short amount of time—including how to mix my music,” explained Allen. “This particular mixtape contains stories of my life and my feelings. It also contains a lot of melodies, and it’s just me expressing myself through my music.” Allen created the music on this project in less than two weeks and while his father was on tour in Italy performing. For music lovers who didn’t know better, they’d think Allen’s music was produced in a world class studio—but, nope, those awesome beats came from the teen’s own bedroom. “I ended up making all the songs in four days. I just love music,” stated Allen. “I’m also pretty humble.” Allen has been dabbling with music since he was in the fourth grade. At the age of 10, he started playing the drums. When he turned 16-years-old, his dad gave him a beat machine. “I’ve been making music on it ever since. I just want people to hear my music and be inspired to do whatever they want to do,” stated Allen.

According to the teen, he owes much of his interest in music to his father, a Blues and Grammy nominated guitarist. In fact, one of his tracks on the mixtape, ‘42 Hundred,’ is dedicated to his old man. “That song is about him being away in Italy. I’m thankful for everything he’s done,” stated Allen. “Without him, I don’t think I’d have the passion I’ve always watched him. And I’ve always wanted to be like him.” As for the mixtape’s title track, he says that’s entirely about him. “’Nice 2 Meet U’ is about a kid who is in his room alone most of the time in his room and making music like nothing people have heard before,” stated Allen. As for what’s next, Allen is gearing up for his Sophomore project that he promises will be even bigger and better than the last. “It’s going to have more rapping on it. It’s going to bit more aggressive and a little more of me finding my voice,” stated Allen. “I’m really excited about it. I plan on doing big things with it.” To learn more about EJ, check him out on Twitter, Tumblr, SoundCloud.com and Datpiff.com.