Monday, June 13

Budz The King (@budztheking) fuses Jamaican soul with hip-hop and dancehall music

PHILADELPHIA, PA. – A new artist in Philadelphia, PA, is fusing the rhythms of Jamaica with the sounds of hip-hop and dancehall to introduce audiences to a unique new sound.

Budz The King is hitting the East Coast music scene by storm. His new single, “Like Gold,” is a prime example of the unique sound that he’s brought with him from Jamaica. Originally born and raised on the Caribbean island, this 28-year-old artist has moved to the states and is showcasing the music he’s developed while growing up in Montego Bay, Jamaica. While in Jamaica he formed a group called Flawless Family, JA. The group was on the rise before Budz The King had to leave Jamaica and move to Philadelphia to take care of family members there. Since coming to the states, he said he’s been inspired to take some of the sounds developed by Flawless Family and fuse it with the hip-hop and dancehall scene he’s encountered here.

“My music is a fusion of dancehall and hip-hop, and it’s way different from anybody else,” Budz The King said. “I gel everything just right. At first when I started making music it was just rap, but now it’s grown to include that Jamaican feel with some singing and rap. My music is like gold – it’s pretty unique. Describing his music with the same words as the title of his new single is no accident. Budz The King said he writes in such a way that he wants others to understand how truly unique his sound is. This new single is about his love for women, he said ’Like Gold’ is describing the ladies,” he said. “Their bodies are so beautiful it’s like gold.”Most of his music is inspired by people, in fact. He said he could see somebody on the street who inspires him to write, or even characters from movies can be sources of inspiration for his lyrics. He said he’s fascinated by people and wants to write music that connects with anyone – no matter what walk of life they might lead. “When I write, I use my imagination,” Budz The King said. “I might write about meeting a girl or talking to a girl, but a lot of my songs will go deeper into my life. When people hear my music I want them to feel and see the story in my music. I want them to imagine what I’m saying. I always try my best to write my music as a story. Eventually I’ll create music videos so that they can see the story, but even without that the music and the words are something that anybody can hear and imagine the story I’m trying to tell and feel good. Whether it’s a party song or a serious song or whatever, all of it tells a story.” For access to music from Budz The King, fans can visit his website at or look for his single on Soundcloud. He also interacts regularly with vans via social media on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. To keep an eye open for future shows from Budz The King, follow him on one of these three social media outlets.