[New Single] Lately by @SwayzeJones
Ultra-talented Swayze Jones blesses the market with another tuneful, melodic single named “Lately” produced by Smoovie J. of New Hitzville, USA – laced with a signature collaboration with none other than The Beat Plug!
"Press play and dive into this expressive, heartfelt, yet stylish musical approach that only Swayze can provide." - @itzdraco
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Book Swayze Jones today:
- Virdiko: http://www.virdiko.com/album/lately
- TBR E-Blast: https://madmimi.com/s/4d68ec
- My Mixtapez: https://mymixtapez.com/album/187647
- Apple News: https://apple.news/A0VsxjP9wSnWNjpEfQ3--1A
- Audiomack: https://audiomack.com/song/team-bigga-rankin/lately
- 2Lit TV: http://2littv.com/2018/09/swayze-jones-lately-swayzejones/
- Spinrilla: https://www.spinrilla.com/songs/1994387-swayze-jones-lately
- Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/biggarankin/swayze-jones-lately
- DJs Doing Work: http://djsdoingwork.com/swayze-jones-lately-swayzejones/
- Nervedjsmixtapes: https://nervedjsmixtapes.com/Singles/Lately-425772.htm
- TopMixtapes: http://topmixtapes.com/singles/view/Swayze-Jones-Lately-swayzejones.314756.html
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