Tuesday, August 2

Celebrity realtor Douglas Parson Jr sells 1.3 million mansion to TV executive Carlos King

Celebrity realtor Douglas Parson Jr sells "King of Reality TV” TV Executive Carlos King a home for 1.3 million. The home has a pool, master bedroom complete with balcony, and plenty of space to lounge and entertain. The mansion is right in the middle of a golf course!

Carlos King Kingdom Reign Entertainment https://twitter.com/thecarlosking_ https://twitter.com/kingdomreignent https://www.instagram.com/thecarlosking_ https://www.instagram.com/kingdomreignent http://www.kingdomreignent.com/carlos-king

Drake Realty, Inc. (404) 822-4869 Office 3535 Roswell Rd, Marietta,GA, 30062

Douglas Parson Jr. The Art of Flipping Bricks https://twitter.com/Iamrealestate11 https://www.walmart.com/ip/seort/516467747 https://www.instagram.com/iamrealestate1/?hl=en https://www.realtor.com/realestateagents/douglas-parson_roswell__3067832